Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My seventh destination! (Senegal River)


Right now I am at the Senegal River. This river is really nice and I'm having a great time learning about it. The temperature here today isn't the best. It has been raining but I'm still enjoying this fantastic trip!

The Senegal River is 1790 km long. This river is found in West Africa, the second longest river in West Africa. Most of the Senegal River has a sub-Saharan desert climate. The rain in this river is normally low and there is rarely more than 500 mm a year. The population has around 3,500,000 people. 85 percent live near the river. This rivers drainage basin includes 174,000 square miles.

The Senegal River floods on the middle plain during June through to October which provides fertile land for crops. This river rises to about 2400 ft above sea level. The existence of this River was known to the ancients. It is usually remembered as the Chretes or Chremetes.

My trip to this river was great, I will remember to come back here sometime soon so I can learn more information. I hope my next destination will be as good as this one!

Bye for now.

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